New CP without any shortcode
Step 1:
Have a complete documents as per below:
* Copy of IC of Authorized Signatory
* Form 9
* Form 13
* Form 24
* Latest 3 months bank statement
* Memorandum and Articles of Association (M.A.A)
* Copy of Valid ASP License
Step 2:
1. Go to and click on tab "Shortcode Availability"
2. Click on "Login" tab and choose "Register CPA Account"
3. Fill up all data required in SAF
Step 3:
1. Make payment of RM2,000 and Shortcode rental RM500
2. Send all required hardcopy documentation to U Mobile office (attention to Mr. Mohammad Subhan Mahin or Ms. Siti Nur Daniellia Sheikh Feisal)
3. Inform U Mobile PIC that you've sent all hardcopy documentation and payment slip
Step 4:
1. U Mobile will check all your documentation and payment (3-5 working days upon receiving the posted documents)
2. U Mobile will approve and configure your shortcode
3. Your CPA account credential will be made and details will be sent through email
Note: All shortcode belong to UMobile only start with 38xxx; if you wish to have shortcode start with 32xxx, 33xxx, 37xxx, etc. You may need to open these shortcode in other Telco
New CP with SC from other Telco
Step 1:
Have a complete documents as per below:
* Copy of IC of Authorized Signatory
* Form 9
* Form 13
* Form 24
* Latest 3 months bank statement
* Memorandum and Articles of Association (M.A.A)
* Copy of Valid ASP License
* Official letter of shortcode confirmation assignment from Other Local Operators (OLO)
Step 2:
1. Go to
2. Click on "Register CPA Account"
3. Fill up all data required in SAF
Step 3:
1. Make payment of RM2,000 and Shortcode rental RM500
2. Send all required hardcopy documentation to U Mobile office (attention to Mr. Mohammad Subhan Mahin or Ms. Siti Nur Daniellia Sheikh Feisal)
3. Inform U Mobile PIC that you've sent all hardcopy documentation and payment slip
Step 4:
1. U Mobile will check all your documentation and payment (3-5 working days upon receiving the posted documents)
2. U Mobile will approve and configure your shortcode
3. Your CPA account credential will be made and details will be sent through email